Lawn Maintenance Programs
Our licensed lawn chemical applicators apply each step to ensure a lush, perfectly green turf. Fertilization is critical because it provides a time sensitive release of the products for a green lawn, diminished weeds, deep root system and a lack of turf damaging insects. Call us today for a free lawn care estimate! Experience matters with the timing of the Fertilizer and the quality products used, let our knowledgeable staff and years of experience be the difference on your property this year!
Keep Your Turf Tough
We offer a complete 7 step program that will help any property with a beautiful green lawn that is weed free. Thick healthy turf that includes pre-emergent, insecticide, grub control, winterizer and weed control in each application. Everything your lawn needs for the growing season. Service calls are no charge and our team of experts has been maintaining Omaha turf for over 30 years. Applicators are all licensed by the State of Nebraska and continually receive safety and technical training. Mowing is offered on a weekly basis and is provided with edging of all sidewalks and concrete areas, landscape beds, and blowing off of all hard surfaces. Our mowing team consists of some of the best professionals in Omaha and will make each property look like a golf course.
Executive Outdoor Living Offers A 7 Step Fertilization Program.
Early Spring: High rate granular fertilizer plus pre-emergent to control crabgrass and foxtail with broadleaf weed control.
Late Spring: Additional pre-emergent to provide continued control of broadleaf weeds, crabgrass, and foxtail, with slow release balanced fertilizer.
Early Summer: Granular fertilizer containing slow release nitrogen to promote summer feeding that is rich in micronutrients; apply broadleaf weed control if needed.
Grub Work Control: Granular insecticide for control of white grub and sod webworm; plus broadleaf weed control.
Late Summer: Granular fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium); apply broadleaf weed control if needed.
Fall Application: Slow release fertilizer to stimulate root growth and food storage for winter. Weed control applied if needed.
Late Fall Winterizer: High rate granular fertilizer to stimulate root growth and food storage for winter. This is very helpful with early spring green-up. Weed control applied if needed.