Japanese Beetle Treatment
Japanese Beetles
Japanese Beetles have become a major problem in the Omaha area over the past several years. The beetle itself is brown and bright green as an adult. The Japanese Beetles damage plants and trees by skeletonizing the foliage, that is consuming only the leaf material between the veins of the leaf tissue. In the Omaha area the beetles feed on Linden trees, Birch trees, Crabapple trees and several other species. Also hosts to the damaging beetle are rose bushes and garden plants. The Japanese Beetle also is very mobile with wings so it can fly away from insecticide sprays which makes it difficult to control and may move on to different plant material. Executive Outdoor Living has the perfect programs for these pests. Our 5 step program feeds your trees and shrubs in the spring and fall but also adds 3 insect and disease sprays to target all leaf feeding insects especially the Japanese Beetles. We offer a full guarantee and return service calls are free between treatments if pests return to your property. Our products are unmatched in the industry and our ability to identify the Japanese Beetles will save your trees and shrubs from severe damage or even death. Executive Outdoor Living offers free estimates and program recommendations if you think you may be at risk of having Japanese Beetles. Leave the work to us and enjoy your landscape worry free.
Bagworms, visible to most people by tiny sacks hanging from trees (mostly Evergreen trees) have swept into the Omaha area. The bagworms’ damage can be identified by dead areas in Evergreens or by thin areas or dead leaf tissue in deciduous trees and shrubs. If left unnoticed or not treated, Bagworms can kill Evergreen trees. The most effective control of Bagworms is 2-3 insect sprays between late May and early June when the worm comes out of its protective bag also known as the crawler stage. Trees and shrubs need to be inspected for proper timing and control. If the worm is not out of the bag, no control is possible and your wasting time and money. Leave the timing and spraying to Executive Outdoor Living. Our certified staff will inspect, recommend a custom program and control this pest for you guaranteed! Also, customers confuse Bagworms with pine cones on the trees, don’t guess, call us for a free consultation and take the worry out of your investment.