Lawn Disease & Pest Treatment
Lawn Disease Management Service
Healthy lawns don’t just happen by accident. Executive Outdoor Living understands that there are many factors that work together to create a lush, green lawn. Our services have a positive effect on your lawn, such as fertilizer, lawn aeration, water schedules, pre-emergent, weed control, insect and grub control. It takes a lawn disease management team with experience and knowledge to enhance the beauty of your lawn and landscape.
During particular wet times of the year, your lawn can develop several disease management problems. One symptom of a diseased lawn might be circular or brown patches of turf in your green grass. Most likely you will need a disease management expert to identify your problem and suggest a program that will benefit your lawn. Aside from lawn diseases, you may find out that your lawn needs additional insect control, grub control or perhaps lawn aeration and over-seeding. All of these possible issues may indicate that you need a lawn disease management team with experience like Executive Outdoor Living, LLC.
Lawn Disease Management Is Important
Lawn diseases can be difficult to diagnose. However, an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan using fertilizer, herbicides, lawn aeration, frequent mowing and timely watering schedules is your best form of defense.
Executive Outdoor Living, LLC Is Your Full Service Lawn Disease Management Team
Lawn disease can devastate your lawn’s overall appearance. When applied at the correct time, turf management practices can prevent further long-term damage. Executive Outdoor Living understands the difficulties with disease management and can provide solutions to treat your lawn and landscape.
Grub Worm Control
‘Grubs’ is the general name for the larvae stage of a number of different types of insects. Beetle larvae are known to be especially damaging to lawns, as they hatch and grow in the root layer of your lawn. Their favorite activity is to feast on the roots of your lawn often killing large patches of turf and leaving the sod brown and easy-to-disconnect from the soil below it.
While getting rid of grubs can be a difficult process, Executive’s Grub Control program provides both a curative product (that gets rid of existing grubs) as well as a preventative product (that keeps grubs from forming in the first place and extends over a longer period of time).
Once the grubs are gone, your lawn can return to being a healthy, lush lawn. Our lawn care services can help.